Friday, August 20, 2021

Patricia Murphy

Photo by Lulu

Fantastic Forms

I am a in a fantastic form 

as I dance my way through life.  

The life of a dancer 

who appreciates forms.  

To glide onto the dance 

floor and slide away.  

Into the arms of one another. 

To be greeted by a team of people.  

Henceforth to be appreciated 

and loved. 

To be grateful.  

To be happy.  

To be serene.  

To be alive. 

To be joyful.  

To be compassionate.  

To be generous.  

To be giving.  

To be spontaneous.  

To be enthusiastic.  

To be humble.  

To be in fit form. 

It's a wonderful time 

to see the world.  


We are in fantastic forms.  

Life is to be cherished.  

We are loved.  

As we are liked.  

A statute is in great form.  

The form of a piano.  

It has long legs. 

A musical tune.  

A great voice.  

A wide vocal range.  

A great tone.  

It's never alone.  

It likes to roam.  

It likes to play a tune.  

As in the month of June.  

And won't be a prune, 

full of gloom and doom.  

But happy to be alive. 

And to thrive.  

In a world full of drive.  

Life in the fast lane of five.  

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