Friday, August 20, 2021

Thom Garzone

Photo by Aihua Gao

Staten Island

Cryptic memories dwindle among lost woods, foliage of time,

of childhood and innocence. Clouds guide me to an emotional birth

Sands along island shores once iridescent, erratic children play peddling on cycles,

maniacal, casting fervor on weak spirits. My dreams found its soul to laugh at the

struggle inflicted on my mind when a pen poured out from my heart

Assaulted again and again by frenetic youth where I was sacrificed as Christ, but without

a heavenly paradise or supreme order, only rigid clerics in a vulnerable milieu

left with only one solution: to escape my birthplace. In my miscreant years,

I gathered amid throngs of dope fiends, young drunks, junkies

devouring cash and I let them consume the vices of my own

form that incarcerated my being, releasing demons

from my brain as a war ensued locking my senses

in a cell with delusions as though prison guards.

I fled to religious ceremonies to plead with

God to free me from oppression as I

consulted with mindful physicians

and behavioral counselors who

probed this broken life for answers.

I scurried to academia and sufferance

came. I peered at myself waiting,

looking in a mirror, searching

for an epoch or prophetic link

to my mentality for my verses.

The Declaration of Early Man

We the early Homo Sapien Sapiens of the post Ice Age, those who evolved into modern man

at the dawn of civilization, they who invented unrefined tools, discovered the use of fire,

devoured meat of beasts after the hunt, who started culture, formed societies, caused wars hereby declare the truth to our existence that we support Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection,

standing against all religious fundamentalists and creationists and their influences

to form a more perfect anthropological planet, and that all men are descended from apes.

We who first harnessed the force of work animals, planted grain for the harvest,

built shelters, mended clothes, buried our dead and gave homage to them,

and by this unite as a single amalgamated bipedal carbon-based hominid specie, the human race,

soundly resonating, as such grunts and howls among cave dwellers in their crude speech

uttering that all religious myths contrast with our perspective, or belief system

favoring the natural over supernatural and that all humanity possesses the capability to change,

adapt, and advance to further generations in this continuum of time and history.

Sister Fantastic

Come, angel of the sun

my lament waits

earth, our bed of compassion.

I embrace your subcultural beliefs

Sister Babylon, I've never desired

to evade your love, your world

that bleeds of peace and freedom

Free these flames from me,

once-burdened by ideas

Release these moments burning

in generations, rallies, colorful celebrations

to rejoice in truth

I recall being severed from your touch,

the warmth and comfort you brought

now yearning to one day find you and our child

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