Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Shih-Fang Wang

Photo by Aihua Gao

Seeking Peace

Who will not run after happiness 

A universal quest 

As it brings pleasure and contentment

Like a blossom, happiness is

Beautiful yet with finite life 

Let alone forever joyfulness

Happiness does have feet

Flees away readily

Enfeebled when meets with

All kinds of challenges 

Counting loss and death

When at last happiness is 

In our hands to enjoy, still

We worry about losing it


Dejection will rush into the space

Left by happiness departed

And a scar will form with a size 

Proportional to the depth of the lost joy

So I got off the road for

Chasing happiness to enter 

A path of seeking enduring peace 

For its unconditioned tranquility 

Will be a fantastic form of mindset

To sail me through this turbulent world



Shih-Fang Wang:   After retirement from medical profession in 2016, she shifted gears and entered into the fascinating art field.  In 2018 she attended Dr. Mira Martaric creative writing class and started to write poems.  Through expressing emotions, depicting humanity, exploring life and nature with poems she has gained more insights into her inner and outer worlds.


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